Monday, August 22, 2011

"The Help"

I saw "The Help" this weekend and can't help to think how similar Eugena and I are.

I can't help but to think how similar our society is. You're probably thinking, I'm going to preach on the blatant racism, but I'm skipping that topic.

I'm more addressing the annoying trait of society that advertises that every woman needs a man and if you don't have one there's something wrong with you...and you can't possibly be happy.

I am Single.
I feel Fulfilled.
And I'm very Much Satisfied with who I am and who I am in God.

I tell people this occasionally, and then I smirk and knowingly await the oncoming predicted response.

It comes, just as expected, on par.

"Oh, you'll find a man one day; he's out there."

It is said as if my previous statement was perceived to be some self-deprecating diatribe--as if I was looking for some sympathy vote, or if it was said, on my part, as some rationalized emotional booster.

Are we Living in the 50's?!

At 26, I'm surrounded by married women.

Anytime I go out with a boy, the reaction is equivalent to the latest gossip of "The Baccalaureate."

"So, Who is he?"
"What does he do?"
"What's his last name?"
"Does he believe in Jesus?"

Apparently, I will never be so interesting to talk to as when I have some kind of potential husband material to hunt down.

It consumes the focus of their conversation with me, until I throw the guy in the gutter.

Then, well, the next best item of conversation, in which, I am rarely involved, is about furniture, what shade of curtains to hang, and what's the best kind of diaper to use on their new arrival.

You know, worldly stuff.
And Life-Changing.

Have I missed something?

Is my life supposed to be about finding a man?
And living to satisfy said man and his family?

Sounds so narrow-sighted.
Sounds like a half-life for me--unfulfilled.
Living short of what I'm made for.

Oh yeah, so many girls, living the American Dream.

I'm out to Find MY Purpose--not merely a man.
Now That's Exciting.

PS. If you are married; live life with a purpose...with a partner.

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