Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mountain Time--Boone, NC

I'm a week behind--shame on me!

Last weekend I went camping in Boone with 11 people--some I knew, some, not so much.

Perfect weather, perfect mountains and scenery, and good company.

The campfire chats were interesting, although, half of it was a foreign language--so many movie quotes. I'm learning that my social/conversation skills are quite inadequate in the group setting--perhaps on the level of cavewoman. I go off into fly-on-the-wall mode, the observer mode; when the conversation is over is when I realize I haven't said a word. I get so caught up in what people are saying...

Besides all that nonsense, we hiked all of Saturday along the river and trails, skipping and jumping from rock to rock. We lost the trail several times--hanging on trees due to the steepness of the mountains.

The hiking was tiring and re-freshing all together--I felt like I was related to Dora the explorer, minus the hispanic part.

There's something about nature that puts me in the contemplative mind, gets me reflecting on my life and the greatness of where we are and the possibilities God holds for us. The hiking did that for me.

The very dorkish thought did come to mind on the hike...

The Fellowship of the Ring. A team of people jumping boulders and rocks along the river... We were practically replicating it.

Yeah, I romanticize everything.

I could probably add that we were crossing lots of fallen trees over the raging river, just like the Goonies--Slick Shoes!

Great weekend and great car ride conversations and singing!

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