Sunday, January 31, 2010

I take it all back! I cannot physically look like a whore.  Why are moms always right?  So frustrating.

That was probably a good thing after all because a few days prior to the start of the Pirate Punch, I found out that it was really a kid's event. 

Yes, one 25yr old (in a few weeks) and a 51yr. old, with no kids and no kids to borrow, at the KID'S Pirate Punch. 

I discovered such news from the lady I made reservations with over the phone--in which there was an awkward pause after I told her there were three adults coming with no kids.

After that, I pondered over who's kid I could steal for the day.  No success.  I know my boss has a 4yr old son, but I was too chicken to ask....

Why does the paper keep seeming to leave some details out, like the important ones?

Granted, it is so silly to me--such laughs.

So, this morning I had one of those mornings where I wake up and I have no idea what day it is, then I fell asleep again.  Well, for ten more minutes.  I woke up again and I knew; knew it was Pirate Day. 

Church first.   A new church.  A church that wasn't the church I grew up in--where spiritual mediocrity doesn't haunt me momentarily.  One Harbor Church.  It happened to be the place where all carteret county has been hiding--I wondered where all the my-age-people were.  I found you. 

Next up, Dress Up:

Looking at myself in the mirror is probably one of my favorite past times.  Especially, when I'm a pirate wench--oh, the poses. 
The self-admiration ends and Mom and I head out to the party.  We arive late....because of previous statement and a stop at the bank. 

That's alright.  We show up and the front desk woman wants to take our picture--along with more admiration.  "Oh, I love your hat...ten dollars please"

Compliments, Compliments, and compliments throughout. 

Problem is, did I mention it was a kids thing.  Cute, if I had my own kid.  We missed some sort of speech/maybe lesson.  The kids signed their names in to become pirates of a ship voyage and then all went up to the stage to swear to certain rules--Aye Aye, Captain.  Then we buffeted. 

Our Craft: Swiss Roll Treasure Chest

                      I'll only accept M&Ms in my treasure chest...

1. The future of piracy is primarily female run.....

2. The little pirate's parents are not as adventurous and daring as they are...


I might as well have been at a 10yr. old's birthday party... 

Next Week:
Chocolate Festival.  Should I have stipulations? Like I have to try a piece of chocolate from every booth?  Ideas?

Following week:

1. Friday Free Flick presents "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs".  $1 for popcorn and drink.  In order for me to go....YOU must find me a date or suggest a date.  Blind date flick?

2. Mardi Gras Masquerade Party:  Yes, Dress Up again!  With masks and crazy dresses. 
At Cool Fish in Beaufort.  Free Poor in concert. (hey, normal adults might be here!)

3. Dating, Mating, and Romance in the Animal Kingdom:
Scale up your Valentine’s Day with an event for nature lovers at the Aquarium. Couples and singles are welcome at this amorous and humorous evening all about animal attraction. See how you match up to Mother Nature with the “Mating Game.” Get the inside scoop on who’s wooing whom in the Aquarium exhibits. Enjoy decadent desserts, coffee and other treats on the house. Wine is available for purchase.
(Blind Date on this one too? That might get embarrassing; "mating game" screams scarry) 

Put Your Votes in Now! 

1 comment:

Amy said...

You are one sexy pirate!!! lOl...